A Fine Line: when revealing sources is a duty to the public

A regular Tuesday afternoon towards the end of October last year (2017) saw Australia’s media go into a frenzy when the federal police raided the Australian Workers Union (AWU) offices in Sydney and Melbourne. The raid was part of an investigation conducted by “Turnbull government-established watchdog” the Registered Organisations Commission (ROC) that was investigating donations […]

A Cheesy Tale: A failed story of Japanese Cheesecake

Originally posted on Digital Asia:
The process of cheese making was first introduced to us over 2000 years ago in 200 BCE. The cheesecake is believed to have originated in Ancient Greece and was ‘served to athletes during the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C.‘ (Bellis, 2017) as a form of superfood. Originating in Ancient…


Originally posted on Digital Asia:
After watching the first couple of episodes of any television show, I will usually make the decision to continue watching the show, or remove it from my Netflix list and never think about it again. Unfortunately, for Terrace House, the latter happened. And it has also been quite a while…


Originally posted on Digital Asia:
The other day I brought my friend into the depths of my bedroom and we watched the first couple of episodes of ‘Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the City’ together. We also ate some Thai food, it was delicious. Have a look at what we had to say!  

Apparently I’ve already conducted autoethography… who knew?

Originally posted on Digital Asia:
So I’m not going to lie to you here, writing blog posts in which I have to understand and reiterate my understanding of a concept or reading… well they scare the living heck out of me. I’ve always got the thought in my mind that… what if I understand it…

An ethnic’s realisation that she doesn’t know much about anything, especially Godzilla

Originally posted on Digital Asia:
Memories of my childhood include sitting on the floor of my Nonna and Nonno’s place, attempting to interpret the classic Italian film ‘La Dolce Vita’, or watching RAI Italia and completely zoning out due to having no clue what’s going on. Throughout my life, this kind of experience had been…

Anthropomorphism and the Media

It’s not a lie to say that humans have had a fascination of animals since the beginning of time. We’ve seen animals our entire lives – at the zoo, in the wild, or on our television. From a young age, we’re introduced to animals in the media with Disney Movies (The Jungle Book, The Lion […]

The Power of the Selfie

My name is Lauren Ferri and there are 3,323 photos in the ‘selfie folder’ on my phone. The Selfie is something that has been criticised continuously as something that involves vanity and self absorption, even a ‘cry for help’. There was even a TV show about a self obsessed, narcissistic socialite created in 2014 (available […]

THE ONE WITH THE INFOGRAPHIC | A Binge Watching ‘Friends’ Infographic

Here is the infographic. I’ve managed to condense all the results from my survey into this Infographic, which supports the Photo-Story Component of the Project. If you would like to see it full size, just click on it, and enlarge it! Enjoy! Other posts in the ‘Binge Watching Friends’ series: The One With The Idea […]

THE ONE WITH THE PHOTOS | A Binge Watching ‘Friends’ Photo Story

Over the last few weeks, I’ve managed to round up a bunch of people’s varying ways in which they watch friends – and why. I’ve made it into a photo story, with an image of them in their ideal ‘friends watching situation’, and I’ve also managed to get a blurb from each of them, giving […]

yeah nah aye

matt starr

It's a Globalised World...

Media and communications student - aspiring blogger - Kmart lover - professional procrastinator



an exterior view

Just a Work in Progress

T H I N K Sam

Sam Noakes

Monique Boschan

"I like my money right where I can see it ... hanging in my closet" - Carrie Bradshaw